So I've teamed up with my colleague Teresa Cullen, our family partner, and we'll be exploring exactly these issues in our seminar here at Fladgate, 16 Great Queen Street, London WC2B, on 13 November 2014.
Further details below. If you'd like to join us, please RSVP to register your interest.
Keeping it in the family: tips for protecting family wealth
13 November 2014
to the Office for National Statistics, 42% of marriages in England end in
divorce. England is well known for being the divorce capital of the world and
one of the most generous jurisdictions in which to divorce, for the poorer
party. No wonder therefore that asset protection is a growing concern for
engaged couples, married couples and families wanting to pass on assets to the
next generation.
families’ financial affairs become ever more intertwined it is as important for
parents as for those with trustee responsibilities to take an interest in their
children’s relationship planning. This seminar, presented by family partner
Teresa Cullen and private capital partner Helena Luckhurst, will bring you up
to date with the current state of the law and provide you with practical
guidance to help you navigate these choppy waters. The seminar will answer the
following questions:
- What are pre-nups, post-nups and no-nups?
- How effective are “nups” in protecting wealth?
- Are trusts an effective alternative to “nups”?
- What other asset protection structures are available for families wanting to protect wealth?
Teresa Cullen, Partner, Fladgate LLP
Helena Luckhurst, Partner, Fladgate LLP
Helena Luckhurst, Partner, Fladgate LLP
16.15 Registration and coffee
16.30 Introduction and presentations
17.30 Drinks and canapés
Fladgate LLP, 16 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5DG
To register your place, please contact Sabera Ahmed, Marketing Co-ordinator.
T: 020 3036 7147
F: 020 3036 7647
16.15 Registration and coffee
16.30 Introduction and presentations
17.30 Drinks and canapés
Fladgate LLP, 16 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5DG
To register your place, please contact Sabera Ahmed, Marketing Co-ordinator.
T: 020 3036 7147
F: 020 3036 7647