Thursday, 21 September 2017

Can you disinherit your children if you want to?

You may recall that, a couple of years ago, the English press was full of reports of the Will case of Ilott v Mitson.  (For some background on the case, see my 2015 and 2017 blogs about it.) 

The case was of interest to any testator who is considering cutting out children from their Will.  However the Ilott case has now been applied in the more recent case of Nahajec v Fowle [2017] EW Misc 11 (CC), in which another impecunious child applied to the court and was successful in obtaining provision from her father’s estate, contrary to her father’s express wish that she should receive nothing.  So what can the Nahajec case teach us about whether it is possible, even, for parents to successfully exclude adult children from receiving any inheritance from them?

Thursday, 7 September 2017

IHT Residence Nil Rate Band: depending on downsizing?

HMRC have published new guidance covering the downsizing provisions of the Residence Nil Rate Band (RNRB) (click here for a link to it).  This will be of interest to advisers looking for a relatively straightforward introduction to this aspect of the RNRB which may be suitable for forwarding on to clients.
Whenever individuals interested in their IHT planning downsize, gift or sell a property, the impact on the availability of the RNRB should be considered.