From 6
April 2016, virtually all UK incorporated companies (and LLPs, but in this blog
I’ll refer to companies only) will have to maintain a register of individuals
or entities who control them. As a
result, individuals who either own, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of
the shares or voting rights of such companies, or who hold the right to appoint
or remove a majority of directors or have the right to exercise, or actually
exercise, significant influence or control over the company may receive a notice
from the company requiring them to provide information for inclusion on the People
with Significant Control (PSC) Register.
(UK or offshore) are caught by these new provisions too because the law
provides that, if the trust were to be regarded as an individual and, as such,
would satisfy any of the above conditions, then those persons who exercise, or
have the right to exercise, significant influence or control over the trust are
PSCs that need to appear on the company’s PSC Register.